This space supports that of many labels.   Self-realization; transformation; dissolution of the sense of separation; awakening; nondual embodiment whatever term is used it is the return of the body to consciousness where it's been taken over by attachment to mind.

Integration Session

In a session, conscious facilitation addresses tension between the unconscious (in the body) and conscious aspects of mind. For those with trauma, conditioning or just waking up to afflictive life patterns, this non-talk-therapy, direct-approach establishes tactile connection with one's 'inner teacher or inner resource.' Each client comes away with a clear understanding of the workings of emotion, thought and body sensation, and their significance. For those on the path of conscious ego dissolution, this process cleans-up remnants of the ego's programmed response from the body.

How many sessions? This varies; for some there is an immediate shift and then months go by. For others there's a series of explorations over months. Some book a session when they sense something in life isn't working, for assistance with questions like, "To what in myself does this circumstance point? What wants to be seen?"

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Mind-Body Session

Bring a situation - where do you feel limited, victimized or confused? Afflictive thoughts and emotions are common. Cultural misunderstanding of how our body-mind works is widespread. You will have a clear understanding (and a solution) of how your thoughts, emotions and sensations work, and how our misunderstanding of them is a cause of suffering.

"You yourself are you own obstacle, rise above yourself" ~ Hafiz

Book a Bodymind Session